Legal Assistance: No one on the township staff can give any legal advice, or fill out forms for you, but we might be able to help you fill them out, tell you what forms you may need, or explain requirements or procedures for service of process. If you want someone outside the township to assist you, for any questions or forms that you can't find on this website, please visit
Township Law: There are many laws that govern townships, but the most salient is the original act that created townships, and dealing with township administration and governance. General township laws, the Revised Statutes of 1846, R.S. of 1846 (Chapter 41 of the Michigan Compiled Laws)
Michigan Statutes: All Michigan laws are available to the public on the free, searchable Michigan Legislative Website. The laws can be searched by keyword, or Michigan Compiled Laws (MCL) number, such as “41.721” or “42.8”. All current legislation, including House and Senate bills, can be accessed and tracked as well: Michigan Compiled Laws Search
Public Acts Worth Knowing:
Americans With Disabilities Act (U.S.)
Freedom of Information Act
The General Property Tax Act
Incompatible Public Offices Act
Michigan Election Law
Open Meetings Act
Persons With Disabilities Civil Rights Act (Michigan)
Police and Fire Protection Act
Political Activities by Public Employees
Public Improvements Act
Michigan Right to Farm Act
Michigan Planning Enabling Act
Michigan Zoning Enabling Act
Standards of Conduct for Public Officers and Employees
Township Ordinances Act
Uniform Budgeting and Accounting Act
Michigan Opinions:
Michigan Supreme Court and Court of Appeals Opinions Search
Attorney General Opinions Search
Michigan Administrative Rules:
Michigan Administrative Code Search
Federal Laws:
U.S. Code Search
Legal Assistance: No one on the township staff can give any legal advice, or fill out forms for you, but we might be able to help you fill them out, tell you what forms you may need, or explain requirements or procedures for service of process. If you want someone outside the township to assist you, for any questions or forms that you can't find on this website, please visit
Township Law: There are many laws that govern townships, but the most salient is the original act that created townships, and dealing with township administration and governance. General township laws, the Revised Statutes of 1846, R.S. of 1846 (Chapter 41 of the Michigan Compiled Laws)
Michigan Statutes: All Michigan laws are available to the public on the free, searchable Michigan Legislative Website. The laws can be searched by keyword, or Michigan Compiled Laws (MCL) number, such as “41.721” or “42.8”. All current legislation, including House and Senate bills, can be accessed and tracked as well: Michigan Compiled Laws Search
Public Acts Worth Knowing:
Americans With Disabilities Act (U.S.)
Freedom of Information Act
The General Property Tax Act
Incompatible Public Offices Act
Michigan Election Law
Open Meetings Act
Persons With Disabilities Civil Rights Act (Michigan)
Police and Fire Protection Act
Political Activities by Public Employees
Public Improvements Act
Michigan Right to Farm Act
Michigan Planning Enabling Act
Michigan Zoning Enabling Act
Standards of Conduct for Public Officers and Employees
Township Ordinances Act
Uniform Budgeting and Accounting Act
Michigan Opinions:
Michigan Supreme Court and Court of Appeals Opinions Search
Attorney General Opinions Search
Michigan Administrative Rules:
Michigan Administrative Code Search
Federal Laws:
U.S. Code Search