Roles & Responsibilities
In Michigan, if you don't live in a village or a city, then you live in a township. Have you ever wondered what the township government (your basic and most local form of government) does for you? Here’s a quick civics lesson:
Township government legally exists primarily to perform three overarching mandated functions assigned respectively to the Clerk, the Supervisor, and the Treasurer:
There are other, more narrow mandates which are also regulated by the state:
We are legally allowed to offer additional services and programs not mandated by the state but permitted by enabling legislation, referred to as “permissive activities.” Examples in Crystal Lake Township are:
Core Competencies for Elected Officials Although not dictated by state statute, Michigan Township Association (MTA) strongly emphasizes a basic level of competency for each of the board members. To date, CLT has not opted to adopt these, even as guidelines, but they are regularly referenced as helpful tools.
Click here for 10 interesting facts to make you smarter about Michigan's townships. |
Statutory Duties for the
5 elected Board Members Clerk: